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Sidmouth Croquet Club Stage 2013 AGM


Sidmouth Herald published 17 October 2013

Club Trophy Winners Season 2013

Trophies were presented to Sidmouth Croquet Club tournament winners by Sheila Adams, president and honorary member of the Sidmouth Cricket, Tennis and Croquet Club last Wednesday, writes Sue Dent.

The event formed part of the Croquet Section’s AGM held in the Fortfield pavilion, attended by over 50 members.

The AGM was chaired by Mike Taylor who summarised the club’s successful season.

In addition to the internal tournaments the club has competed successfully against other teams in the South West in both association croquet and golf croquet.

During 2013 the club also hosted four croquet association open events and a selectors’ tournament bringing some of the country’s top players to Sidmouth.

A membership of 118 playing members demonstrates how thriving the club is; the club sessions and competitive programme is interspersed with a variety of social events.

The role of chairman has now passed to Peter Nelson for the 2014 season and with an enthusiastic committee to support him the 2014 programme is now being drawn up.

For those who would like to try their hand at croquet, a taster session will be held at the beginning of March (2014) on the croquet lawns with tutors and equipment available

Photo: winners



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 Sidmouth Croquet Club

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